1004 Copyright (C) %s ESTsoft Corp. All rights reserved. 1005 This software is freeware for both commercial and 1006 non-commercial usage. 1007 Enjoy, and don't forget to get more ALTools! 1008 Freeware 1009 ALSong 1010 ALSong 1011 10 minutes 1012 1 hour 1013 20 minutes 1014 2 hours 1015 30 minutes 1016 3 hours 1017 40 minutes 1018 4 hours 1019 50 minutes 1020 Album 1021 %Album% 1022 Album file info 1023 The ALSong Lyrics Bar is not available on Windows 98/Me. 1024 Shutdown System 1025 Power Saving Mode 1026 Artist 1027 %Artist% 1028 Artist - Title 1029 Either no audio device exists or the current audio device is not responding.\nPlease check to see that your audio device is properly installed and configured, and that the proper or most current drivers are also installed.\nFor further assistance please consult your system administrator or audio device manufacturer's manual. 1030 File information for the file cannot be read.\nMost likely the file is damaged or corrupted. 1031 CD Info 1032 Comment 1033 %Comment% 1034 Connecting to FreeCDDB... Please wait. 1035 The album file is corrupt. 1036 Download ALSong ringtones. 1037 Download ALSong ringbacks. 1038 The following global shortcut keys either have duplicates here in ALSong\nor they have duplicates in another program that also uses global shortcut keys.\nPlease check them and correct the entries here in ALSong or in the other program. \n \n 1039 File Extension 1040 Failed to open file.. \n \nPlease check file properties and permissions. 1041 Failed to open file. \n \nEither this file format is not supported or it is in use by another program. 1042 File Info & Tag Editor 1043 File 1044 %File% 1045 File - Track 1046 [%d] seconds until %s 1047 %s Album File 1048 Server: %s\nStream name: %s\nGenre: %s\nURL: %s\nMetadata interval: %s\nCurrent title: %s\n%s\n 1049 Title: %s\nArtist: %s\nAlbum: %s\nYear: %s\nTrack: %s\nGenre: %s\nComment: %s\n%s 1050 PCM : %d Hz\nChannel(s) : %d\nVolume: %d\nSize: %d 1051 %s Skin File 1052 Genre 1053 %Genre% 1054 Logging off system... 1055 Not supported 1056 OK 1057 ALSong Song Lyrics 1058 No background color 1059 Path 1060 %Path% 1061 It's even more fun to enter lyrics for your favorite songs. Try it out! 1062 Folder View is an easier, more convenient way to view the ALSong playlist. 1063 This will reset all ALSong preferences to the defaults.\nDo you wish to reset all preferences? 1064 This will reset ALSong preferences to the defaults for this topic.\nDo you wish to reset these preferences? 1065 The file is read-only. \n \nPlease remove the read-only property from this file then try again. 1066 Please select a file in the playlist. 1067 Please select a folder. 1068 There is no previous track 1069 Shutting down system... 1070 Stream Info 1071 Switching to Stand By mode... 1072 Title 1073 Title - Album - Artist 1074 Title - Artist 1075 Title - File 1076 %Title% 1077 Track 1078 %Track% 1079 Transparency settings (Requires Windows 2000 or higher) 1080 Wave File Info 1081 WMA Info 1082 Year 1083 %Year% 1084 Please enter between 5 and 100 seconds. 1085 Processing data...\nClosing now could cause an error.\nDo you still wish to close? 1086 Logoff 1087 Previous Track 1088 Play/Pause 1089 Stop 1090 Next Track 1091 Fast Forward 1092 Rewind 1093 Loop Mode 1094 Shuffle Mode 1095 Mute 1096 Volume Up 1097 Volume Down 1098 Switch to ALSong Mini-Player 1099 [Multimedia Key] Mute 1100 [Multimedia Key] Volume Down 1101 [Multimedia Key] Volume Up 1102 [Multimedia Key] Next Track 1103 [Multimedia Key] Previous Track 1104 [Multimedia Key] Stop 1105 [Multimedia Key] Play 1106 Setting a large buffer size will cause equalizer changes to take longer to take effect. 1107 ASF Info 1108 Next Track 1109 There is no next track 1110 Previous Track 1111 ALSong Update 1112 Processing data...\nClosing now could cause an error.\nDo you still wish to close? 1113 This skin does not support the online music window. \nPlease download a skin that supports it or \nuse a different skin. 1114 Desktop Lyrics Bar 1115 Checking this option may interfere with other programs that use this. 1116 Open File... 1117 Open Folder... 1118 Open URL... 1119 Add File... 1120 Add Folder... 1121 Add URL... 1122 ALSong Supported Files| 1123 Please Enter a URL. 1124 IDS_MUSICCAST_ERROR 2000 12 2001 Pan - Center 2002 Mute Off 2003 Streaming audio cannot be played in reverse. 2004 Default 2005 Spanned Archive 2006 Failed to connect to: %s 2007 Failed to create temporary directory. 2008 Pan - Left %d%% 2009 Pan - Right %d%% 2010 File: %s\nError: CRC error. 2011 File: %s\nError: File is corrupt. 2012 File: %s\nError: File header is corrupt. 2013 File: %s\nError: Only spanned archives with 999 or fewer volumes are supported. 2014 File: %s\nError: Out of memory. 2015 File: %s\nError: Unsupported file format. 2016 File: %s\nError: Unsupported version. 2017 File: %s\nError: Ace.dll could not be found. 2018 File: %s\nError: Cabinet.dll could not be found. 2019 File: %s\nError: Unrar.dll could not be found. 2020 File: %s\nError: Unknown file format. 2021 File: %s\nError: Encountered an error during operation. 2022 File: %s\nError: Password is incorrect. 2023 Playcursor - %02d:%02d 2024 %Title% - %Artist% 2025 Volume - %d%% 2026 Pause 2027 Play 2028 A previous large set of files are still being added to the ALSong playlist.\nPlease wait and try again once the previous set has been fully added to the playlist. 2029 Please choose a folder. 2030 Mute On 2031 Stop 2032 ALSong 2033 Arial 2034 ALSong Default Skin 2035 All ALSong Supported Files 2036 The skin file does not exist. 2037 Speed: 0% 2038 Key: 0 2039 Speed + Key: 0% 2040 Loop Mode Off 2041 Loop Mode On 2042 Speed: %d%% 2043 Key: %d%% 2044 Speed + Key: %d%% 2045 Music speed changed. 2046 Language Learner start point cancelled. 2047 Language Learner end point cancelled. 2048 Loop start point set. 2049 Loop end point set. 2050 Loop mode reset. 2051 Set Start Point: [, Cancel Start Point: Shift + [ 2052 Set End Point: ], Cancel End Point: Shift + ] 2053 Reset All Settings: \ 2054 Slower: Q, Normal Speed: W, Faster: E 2055 Musical Key changed. 2056 Musical key and speed changed. 2057 Playing music backwards. 2058 Playback speed set to normal. 2059 Playing back with default settings. 2060 Choose Custom Colors 2063 Previous Track 2064 Next Track 2065 Closing this window resets to normal playback mode. 2066 A: Lower, S: Normal, D: Higher 2068 Normal Plackback Mode 2069 File: %s\nError: File does not exist in specified path. 3002 No Repeat 3003 Playcursor - %02d:%02d 3004 Main Player Ctrl+C 3005 Please Login. 3006 Open File 3007 Encountered an error while playing music file - advancing to next track. 3008 No Shuffle 3009 Service Currently Unavailable 3011 Repeat All 3012 Repeat Folder 3013 Repeat Track 3014 Elapsed Time 3015 Remaining Time 3016 Shuffle 3017 File path is not correct. 4002 ALSong Album 4003 ALSong Album File 4004 ASF File 4005 Audio CD 4006 Internet Radio Broadcast 4007 Finish 4008 ZIP 4009 Compressed File 4010 The song will be removed from the playlist\nand DELETED FROM DISK.\n\nClick [OK] to remove and delete the file, or [Cancel] to cancel. 4011 ALSong Playlists (*.asl)|*.asl|M3U Playlists (*.m3u)|*.m3u|PLS Playlists (*.pls)|*.pls| 4012 ALSong Playlists (*.asl;*.m3u;*.pls;)|*.asl;*.m3u;*.pls|| 4013 Failed to open the file into the playlist. \n \nPlease check that the file is not corrupted or that it has the proper permissions.\ne.g. You are using a user level account, \n but the file is restricted to administrators only,\n the file has the read-only property set. 4014 Virtual Folder 4015 Folder 4016 &Playlist Ctrl+P 4017 MP3 File 4018 Song Info 4019 There are no tracks in the playlist. 4020 The skin file does not exist.\n\nPlease reinstall ALSong to ensure that any missing files\nare replaced and that any corruptions are repaired. 4021 No Search Results 4022 OGG File 4023 An operation is currently being performed. Do you really want to cancel it? 4024 Ready 4025 Please enter a custom virtual folder name. 4026 Status 4027 Time 4028 Title 4029 WAV File 4030 WMA File 4031 Please select a list to change then try again. 4032 There is no playlist to change tag info.\nPlease add a playlist then try again. 4033 Batch tag editing complete. 4034 Please select the playlist to delete. 4035 View Album Info...\tAlt+3 4036 Cannot delete album or compressed file. 4037 Music 4038 Movie 4039 File is in use. 4040 RAR 4041 SAB 5001 Thank-you, but you've already reported these \nlyrics as being incorrect.\nWe'll check on them as soon as possible. \n \nYour ALSong Team at ALTools 5002 Thank-you for taking the time to report incorrect lyrics. \nWe've received your report and will double check them \nas soon as possible. \n \nYour ALSong Team at ALTools 5003 Connecting to ALSong Song Lyrics Server... 5004 Sorry, the lyrics had an error. \nPlease try double-clicking on your song \nagain to retrieve the lyrics. \nIf this error persists, \nplease contact ALTools support. 5005 Only part of the lyrics are available. 5006 Failed to report incorrect lyrics. \nCould not connect to the server. \nPlease try again later. \n \nThank-you 5007 Sorry - An error occurred. No lyrics retrieved. \nPlease try again later. 5008 Failed. \nError Code: 5009 The file failed its CRC check and was found to be corrupt. \nNo information could be gathered from the file. 5010 Failed to connect to the ALSong Song Lyrics Server. 5011 Failed to connect to the ALSong Song Lyrics Server. \nPlease try again later. 5012 Those song lyrics are not on the ALSong Song Lyrics Server. \nPlease check the title and artist and try again. 5013 Failed to open the audio file. 5014 Failed to upload incorrect lyrics report. 5015 These are completely the wrong lyrics. 5016 The file information is wrong or has been corrupted. 5017 Getting song lyrics now... 5018 Editor: 5019 Submitter: 5020 Title: 5021 Please enable automatic Song Lyrics in Preferences [F4]. 5022 Please enable automatic Song Lyrics \nin ALSong's Preferences [F4]. 5023 Please enable automatic Song Lyrics in Preferences [F4]. 5024 - Introducing - 5025 Song Lyrics 5026 ALSong Song Lyrics 5027 ALSong \nSong Lyrics 5028 Song &Lyrics Ctrl+R 5029 : Editor 5030 Editor 5031 Submitter: None 5032 Editor: None 5033 There are no synchronized song lyrics for this song. 5034 That file is not a supported format for synchronized song lyrics. 5035 There are no lyrics for this song. 5036 No song lyrics linked to this file. \n[Click here] to run the Song Lyrics Editor \nand enter / search for lyrics. 5037 No song lyrics linked to this file... [Click here] to run the Song Lyrics Editor and enter / search for lyrics. 5038 Close 5039 Edit Song Lyrics 5040 Move 5041 Change Desktop Lyrics Settings 5042 5043 5044 Sorry - there are no lyrics linked to this song. \n \nClick [OK] to: \n 1) Search the song database for matching lyrics \n OR \n 2) enter lyrics for the song and sync them. \n \nClick [Cancel] to exit. 5045 : Submitter 5046 Submitter 5047 Enter a comment or choose from the list. 5048 Enter a short description up to 100 bytes. \ne.g. Up to 100 ASCII characters or up to 50 Korea, Chinese, or Japanese characters. 5049 These are lyrics for a different song. 5050 Synchronization timings are incorrect. 5051 Failed to cast lyrics vote due \nto server connection problems. \nPlease try again later. 5052 Do you wish to vote for the current lyrics? 5053 Thank-you for voting! \nThese lyrics have received %d votes. 5054 Vote for Lyrics 5055 Vote for Lyrics (Total Votes: %d) 5056 Listening to ALSong Web Radio... \nGetting web radio info... 5057 There is no web radio info. 5058 - Track Title - 5059 No music file selected. 5060 ALSong Lyrics Server connection settings cancelled. \nPlease change your settings in the Preferences. 5061 You've already voted for these lyrics. \nThank-you. 5062 Failed to get lyrics. 5063 You cannot upload lyrics for streaming music. 5064 You cannot edit lyrics for streaming music. 5065 You cannot vote for lyrics for streaming music. 5066 You cannot report incorrect lyrics for streaming music. 5067 - Web Radio Description - 5068 - Lyrics - 5069 No Lyrics 5070 Artist: 5071 Album: 5072 Playing music video. \nPlease enjoy~! 5073 DRM protected files are not supported. 5074 Synchronized lyrics are not supported for music video playback. 6001 Bass 6002 You cannot delete the Default preset. 6003 Classical 6004 Club 6005 Dance 6006 Default 6007 Remove EQ Preset 6008 Added '%s' as a new preset. 6009 Modified the '%s' preset. 6010 Do you want to delete the '%s' preset? 6011 Jazz 6012 EQ presets can be up to 20 bytes long. (e.g. 20 ASCII or 10 CJK characters) 6013 Language Practice 6014 Live 6015 E&qualizer Ctrl+Q 6016 Select an EQ preset first to delete it. 6017 Please enter a name for your EQ preset. 6018 Party 6019 Pop 6020 That EQ preset name already exists. Do you wish to replace it with this one? 6021 Do you wish to reset EQ presets to the installation defaults? 6022 Reggae 6023 Rock 6024 Save EQ Preset 6025 Ska 6026 Soft 6027 Techno 6028 Vocal 7001 An error occured. 7002 ALSong miniplaye&r Ctrl+R 8001 ALSong Album 8002 ALSong Album (Preview) 8003 Action Cancelled 8004 Album succesfully created. \n \nDo you want to create another album? \nClick the [OK] button to create another or click [Cancel] to finish. 8005 All Files (*.*;)|*.*|| 8006 ALSong Album Files (*.sab)|*.sab 8007 HTML Files (*.htm;*.html;)|*.htm;*.html|| 8008 Image Files (*.JPG;*.GIF;)|*.JPG;*.GIF|| 8009 Failed to create album. 8010 The album playlist is empty. Failed to create your ALSong album. 8011 Creating Album... %s 8012 File(s): %d\nSize: %s (bytes) 8013 %d-%d-%d 8014 Album Editor 8015 Choose songs to add to the album. 8016 Online music and CDs are not supported in ALSong Albums. 8017 Title 8018 OK 8019 Cancel 8020 You cannot add the following file to an album:\n%s\nThe file has been deleted or is in use and locked by another program.\nAlbum file creation has been interrupted. 8021 Password does not match. 8022 This album file version is not supported. Please update to the latest version of ALSong. 8023 ALSong Album 8024 Please clear the playlist and try again. 8025 ALSong Album - View Image 8026 This theme supports widths between %d ~ %d. 8027 This theme supports heights between %d ~ %d. 8028 Cannot find file for track.\n 9001 %Album% 9002 %Artist% 9003 %Comment% 9004 %File% 9005 Copyright : %s \n 9006 CRCs : %s \n 9007 Emphasis : %s \n \n 9008 File Size: %d bytes \n 9009 %d Hz, %s \n 9010 Header Size: %d bytes \n 9011 MPEG %.1f Layer %d \n 9012 OGG File Info \nVendor: %s \nVersion: %d \nBitrate: %d \nAverage Encode Rate: %d \nSerial: %d \nChannels: %d \n_PARSER_FORMAT_OGG_INFO 9013 Original : %s \n 9014 Play Time: %s \n 9015 %d kbps %s, %d frames \n 9016 WMA File Info \nVersion %s \n%WMF Needed %s \nDRM Info %s \nDRM URL %s \n 9017 %Genre% 9018 %Path% 9019 %Title% 9020 %Track% 9021 %Year% 10000 ALSong MusicCast 10001 ALSong Web Radio Broadcast 10002 Wave Output 10003 Mic Output 10004 Passwords are different. \nPlease check then try again. 10005 Start Broad&cast 10006 Stop Broad&cast 10007 Please enter exact server URL. 10008 Please enter exact server port number. 10009 Please enter password. 10010 Server connection is incorrect. \nPlease check the server URL, port number, \nand whether the server is live or down. 10011 Sorry... \nFailed to create broadcast key. \nPlease reopen the broadcast screen or restart ALSong. \n \nIf this problem persists, please contact ALTools Support. 10012 Toggle &Mic On 10013 Toggle &Mic Off 10014 ALSong Output 10015 Volume 10016 Volume 10017 Please enter a server URL that is 50 characters (bytes) or less. 10018 Please enter a constant number. 10019 Please enter a broadcast password that is 50 characters (bytes) or less. 10020 My Web Radio Favorites 10021 ALSong Web Radio Presets 10022 Broadcast Title 10023 Broadcast URL 10024 Please enter the exact web radio URL. 10025 The broadcast title must be at least 1 character long. 10026 No web radio URL is selected in the web radio list. 10027 Music stopped. Please use the mic. 10028 Toggling the mic off starts the music playing again. 10029 Broadcast stopped. Please check your settings. 10030 View Web Radio & Broadcast Help 10031 Please enter a web radio URLs that is 100 characters (bytes) or less. 10032 Please enter a broadcast title. 10033 Listener Count 10034 This file format does not support playback over web radio. 10035 Error occurred \n Please check the setting and try again.\n Error 11000 http://lyrics.alsong.net/alsongwebservice/service1.asmx 11001 http://notice.alsong.net/alsongwebservice/service1.asmx 12005 1 Line 12006 2 Lines 12007 3 Lines 12008 This song is already linked to song lyrics. \nPlease check and try again. 12009 This is already registered. \n \nMost likely someone else was working on this song at the same time as you, \nand finished just before you. \n \nTo start again, just click the [Do Another] button. 12010 The audio file cannot be read. \nPlease check that the file is not corrupt or damaged. 12011 Cannot read the tag information. 12012 Changing sync steps will reset all times to 00:00:00. \nDo you wish to continue? 12013 Thank-you \n \nThe song lyrics are now linked. \nYou can now see the song lyrics in ALSong. 12014 Thank-you \n \nYour song lyrics corrections have been submitted. \nYou can now view your corrections on your PC. \n \nAn ALSong Song Lyrics moderator will review your corrections and publish \nthem for everyone to use if they are approved. 12015 Thank-you \n \nYour song lyrics submission has been received. \nYou can now see the song lyrics in ALSong. 12016 Thank-you \n \nThe new set of song lyrics have been linked to the song. \nYou can now see the song lyrics in ALSong. 12017 Thank-you \n \nThe new set of song lyrics have been submitted. \nYou can now see them in ALSong. 12018 Break Link to Lyrics 12019 Encountered an exception. \nError code: [2] %s 12020 Sorry. Encountered an error while processing the synchronized song lyrics. Please visit the ALTools web site for support. 12021 Song Lyrics Search Failed. Cannot connect to server. Check your Internet connection. 12022 Sorry. Network problems have blocked connecting to the ALSong Song Lyrics server. Please try again later. 12023 Sorry. \n \nAn error occurred. Your song lyrics have not been submitted. 12024 SONG LYRICS NOT SAVED! \n \nSorry, but there seems to be a network problem somewhere. \nYour synchronized song lyrics have not been saved. \nPlease click back and try again in a little while. \n \nError code: 12025 There are no search results. \nPlease broaden your search. 12026 You must search for existing song lyrics before you can proceed. 12027 Arial 12028 Album Name: %s 12029 Artist Name: %s 12030 &Get Next Search Results (Search Results: %d) 12031 Encountered an exception. \nError Code: %s 12032 File Name: %s 12033 * Please click the [Next] button to continue and [%s] a song lyrics synchronization. 12034 Samplerate: %d Hz 12035 Lyrics Search (Search Results: %d) 12036 Search Returned: [%d~%d / %d] Please choose a set of song lyrics. If nothing matches what you want, please uncheck the [Get Next Search Results] and try again. 12037 Search Returned: %d results. Please choose a set of song lyrics. 12038 %02d:%02d 12039 Music Title: %s 12040 Album: 12041 Artist: 12042 File Name: 12043 Play Time: 12044 Samplerate: 12045 Title: 12046 This is not a valid file format. 12047 The Artist Name field is empty. \nPlease enter artist's name then click [Next]. 12048 Please enter a song title. 12049 The entered time is incorrect. \nPlease check and try again. 12050 Please enter a search term. 12051 Please enter your name. 12052 Song Lyrics 12053 ALSong Song Lyrics Editor 12054 Song Lyrics Editor 12055 Editor 12056 Edit 12057 There are no more search results for your chosen search term. \nPlease uncheck the 'Get Next Search Results' box above and try another search. 12058 Sorry, but an error has occurred. \n \nPlease click [Back] and check: \n 1) The name you entered for yourself, OR \n 2) The song title, OR \n 3) The artist name \n \nMake any corrections that may be required and try again. 12059 There are no synchronized song lyrics for this file. 12060 Sorry, but there has been an error in finding the correct data you requested. \n \nPlease click [Back] to check that you entered things properly and try again. \n \nIf this error persists, please visit the ALTools web site and contact ALTools support \nwith details about what you were doing. Include the song artist and title in your \nsupport request. 12061 The email field is incorrect. \nPlease check the email address and try again. 12062 There are no lyrics to reset. 12063 There are no song lyrics. \n \nPlease either: \n 1) Go back and search for different lyrics, OR \n 2) Enter the lyrics for the song below. 12064 Verified: Synchronized song lyrics do not exist. Please continue by clicking the [Next] button. 12065 No corrections were made. \nPlease correct the errors before proceeding to the next step. 12066 Your search did not return any results. Please try another search term or click the [Next] button and enter the song's lyrics. 12067 There are no song lyrics for this song. \n \nPlease choose a different set of song lyrics. 12068 Existing Song Lyrics Check 12069 Checking for an exact file match for existing song lyrics to link/edit... 12070 Song Lyrics Complete 12071 Synchronized song lyrics addition/changes completed. 12072 Enter Editor Information 12073 Please enter your name and information as you'd like it to appear as the editor for this set of song lyrics. 12074 Enter Music Info 12075 Please enter the title, artist, and album information for this song. 12076 Enter Submitter Information 12077 Please enter your name and information as you'd like it to appear as the submitter for this set of song lyrics. 12078 Open Music Files 12079 Open a music file to synchronize song lyrics for. 12080 Enter/Edit Lyrics 12081 Check or edit the current song lyrics or enter them as required. 12082 Song Lyrics Search 12083 Search for existing song lyrics that match your music. 12084 Synchronize Song Lyrics 12085 Play the song and click [Set Sync Point] button. Use the bottom [ < # > ] buttons to tweak timings quickly. 12086 Preview (&T) 12087 Linking song lyrics will let you view them in ALSong. \nDo you want to use the selected song lyrics? 12088 You are about to reset all timings to back to the original timings. \nDo you wish to continue? 12089 Do you want to break the link to the current song lyrics and re-link to another set of song lyrics? 12090 Submit 12091 START A NEW SYNC - If you don't find the right lyrics, create a new one. 12092 Verified: Synchronized song lyrics already exist. Please see details below. 12093 Editor 12094 Search first, then select a set of lyrics. 12095 There is no selection. \nPlease choose a set of song lyrics for the music. 12096 The lyrics you've selected are the same ones that were associated with your song. \nPlease select a different set of song lyrics. 12097 Please select a line to play. 12098 Please select a file to edit. 12099 Please check that the synchronization is correct. 12100 Fast 12101 Slow 12102 Faster 12103 Slower 12104 Normal Speed 12105 Start Time 12106 S&top 12107 ALSong lyrics supporting formats 12108 Test Lyrics Synchronization 12109 &Test 12110 The artist name is too long. \nPlease limit it to 50 characters/bytes. \n (e.g. 50 ASCII or 25 double-byte (CJK) characters). 12111 Email address may be up to 50 characters/bytes. \nPlease enter enter a 50 character or less email address. 12112 Your name may be up to 50 characters/bytes. \nPlease enter your name with less than 50 characters/bytes. 12113 Please enter the first 4 numbers of your phone number. 12114 Please enter the last 4 numbers of your phone number. 12115 The title is too long. \nPlease enter up to 80 characters/bytes. \n e.g. 80 ASCII characters (e.g. English) or 40 double-byte characters (e.g. Korean, Japanese, Chinese). 12116 Your home page address may be up to 250 characters/bytes long. \nPlease enter up to 250 characters/bytes. 12117 The artist name is too short. \nPlease check it and try again. 12118 The song lyrics are too short. \nPlease check them and try again. 12119 The title is too short. \nPlease check it and try again. 12120 The email address is not correct. \nPlease check it and try again. 12121 Lyrics Server connection failed. \nPlease try again later. 12122 Song Lyrics Synchronization Entered Successfully 12123 Edits Complete 12124 DRM protected files are not supported. 12125 Can't find the lyrics you want in the lyrics editor? \n \nTry searching lyrics sites on the Internet! 12126 Find Lyrics Sites 12127 Are synchronizations not right? \n \nYou can unlink lyric syncs and choose new ones. \n Click the ""Break Link to Lyrics"" button then search for new ones. 12128 Time 12129 Lyrics 13001 ALSong 13002 ALSong Toolbar Miniplayer 13003 ALSong Toolbar Miniplayer(&S) 13004 ALSong Toolbar Miniplayer Help(coming soon...) 14002 ALContextMenu Class 14003 ALSongShEx 14004 ALSong(&S) 14006 Play in ALSong(&F) 14007 Add to ALSong's playlist(&G) 14008 Create ALSong Album(&H) 14009 Play 14010 Add 15001 Window is not valid. 15002 File name is not valid. 15003 Skin ID does not exist. 15004 The skin file '%s' does not exist. 15005 Cannot open the skin file '%s'. 15006 Skin file's format is not valid. \nALSong skins must be contained inside of an tag. 15007 The '%s' bitmap does not exist. 15008 Cannot read the '%s' bitmap file. 15009 Skin bitmap list info is not valid. 15010 Node info is not valid. 15011 needs a Name attribute.